DJ Musonda


Where are you from originally?

I relocated to Maine 3 years ago. Originally I’m from Zambia but I grew up in South Africa my whole life so I regard South Africa as my home.

How did you become a musician? What inspired you?

I started doing music to stay out of trouble as a kid. When I was in grade 7 I got caught shoplifting. My family was disappointed in me so I had to find something to do with my life that was gonna prevent me from doing bad things and music did just that for me. No one inspired me to get into music I was influenced by a friend of mine who was into music.

Tell me more about your song Temperature.
The song Temperature was inspired by a female I met 3 years ago. I had developed feelings for her but I did not get the chance to express my feelings for her cause I was busy focusing on my life. When I was ready to tell her she was already in a committed relationship so I decided to do it through music.

Do you plan to launch new music?
Yes, I will definitely be releasing new music over the course of this year.

Do you plan to perform live this year?

A month ago I did live performances on my Instagram and Facebook page so yes, I’m planning on doing more live performances for my fans.


Lady Lamb


Hawk Henries